We Are Kindling Schist because in U.S. education, "it was always burning." Read. Comment. Submit.


Contact us with advice and encouragement at editors@wearekindlingschist.org We hope to hear from you!

Submission guidelines:

Have you ever taught anyone anything or learned anything with the help of another? Of course you have. We invite you to submit for our consideration your own memoir, essay, or fiction concerning any ideas or experiences related to education. Submissions are subject to editing, although we will work with you prior to publication to make sure we’re both happy. Alas, we are not in a position to pay you, but you will retain all rights after this initial publication. We hope to receive honest, passionate, insightful writing that will help take back the conversation from those mired in political simplicities. We also look for verve and competence in the writing itself.

Please note, if you are an employed educator or hope to be at any time, we encourage you to adopt pseudonyms for your published writing and obscure any identifying identification (for instance, you might refer to “a charter school in a mid-sized Midwest city” rather than naming the school and city). We will regularly do the same. Our information says it’s unlikely you can be fired if you do not cause a ruckus at your school or in your community, even if you are scathingly honest (which we want you to be!), so this offers you the chance to speak out without subjecting yourself to undue risk. We would appreciate knowing who you really are but will keep that information strictly confidential except in cases where that would be legally or ethically inadvisable. Please note, real students’ names are never allowable unless they are now over 18 and you have their explicit written permission.

Submissions may be e-mailed as Word, ODF, TXT, or PDF attachments or pasted into the text to:




We’re eagerly awaiting your work.

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